Friday, September 16, 2011

Bye Bye Summer, Hello Fall

I have not forgotten about all of you. The little bird has been very busy with my new business venture and coming up with some new warm recipes for everyone. For those of you who do not know, I started a holistic health counseling business called Hand to Heart Holistics, and you can check out the website at  If anyone is interested in turning over a new leaf (how appropriate for the season!) and getting healthy in body, mind, and spirit please contact me for a free initial health consultation.
Especially for those brides to be out there! I have a 6 month program designed just for you to help get you ready for the Biggest Day of your life!
With all of that said, stay tuned for some delicious fall soups and recipes I have been working on! Think apples, pumpkins, carrots, ginger, cumin, and wild rice....Oh My!!! The endless bountiful array of fall veggies!
Happy new Beginnings. :)

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