My recent holistic health practice has led me to work with a very special friend and client who is also a new mom. The complete life change of being a new parent combined with sleep deprivation has led her to seek a little guidance in finding her center again and reconnecting with body, mind, and soul.
For many new moms the demand of breast feeding, especially in the wee hours of the morning ,can be one of the hardest undertakings . Believe it or not every woman already has all the tools she needs to find some solace and peace in the darkness of the sleeping hours when she is awake and feeding. Sometimes the hardest times can be made easier by doing the simplest things.
It is called breathing. The most basic component of any meditation practice is connecting to the breath. It does not need to be made any more complicated than just that. Slow deep breaths attached with awareness of the breath and you already have a simple meditation practice.
So try this the next time your little one wakes you late at night to feed and exhaustion and possible boredom have set in. Close your eyes, allow your thoughts to focus on the breath, take a deep slow inhale followed by a long slow exhale. Keep your thoughts quiet and the mind focus on one thing and one thing only, the breath. Keep doing this for at least 5 minutes. If it helps count the breaths, Breathing in for a count of five and out for a count of five. Counting sometimes keeps the mind from wandering to other distractions.
As your body starts to relax , your babies breathing with start to slow down and she/he will relax as well.
Your deep calm state will help you and your baby and sweet dreams await you both.
Please check out for more about what I do as a holistic health coach.
Thank you!
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